ILC-Japan - Japan Association of High Energy Physicists



This working group is leading research to clarify and maximize the physics potential of high energy electron-positron colliders including the ILC. The group is a collaboration between researchers working on ILC physics and detector studies, those on other collider experiments such as ATLAS and Belle II, and those on theoretical particle physics. It aims to clarify the physics motivation for electron-positron colliders, including consideration of the upgradeability of linear colliders in both energy and luminosity. It also aims to apply and drive the development of innovative ideas including quantum technologies and AI, and to pursue synergies with other projects to stimulate new research topics. Based on close collaboration with international partners such as the ILC International Development Team (IDT), the working group will define the direction of ILC physics studies in Japan, and collaborate with the other ILC-Japan working groups and the domestic community to promote research with high international visibility.


T. Suehara* (Tokyo), J. Tian** (Tokyo), S. Chen (Kyoto), S. Hirose (Tsukba), Y. Horii (Nagoya), D. Jeans (KEK), T. Kitahara (Chiba), T. Masubuchi (Osaka), K. Nakamumra (KEK), K. Tsumura (Kyushu), M. Ishino*** (Tokyo)
* Chair ** Co-chair *** Ex-officio (ILC-Japan spokesperson)  KEK: High Energy Accelerator Research Organization