ILC-Japan - Japan Association of High Energy Physicists


ILC-Japan was formed by the Japan Association of High Energy Physicists (JAHEP) to lead activities aimed at realizing the International Linear Collider (ILC). As a representative of the community of researchers involved in ILC promotion activities, ILC-Japan takes responsibility for promoting the realization of the ILC, working with the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) and coordinating with stakeholders.



  • Shoji AsaiUniversity of Tokyo

Executive Board

  • Shoji Asai *University of Tokyo
  • Yasuhiro Okada *KEK
  • Masanori Yamauchi *KEK
  • Masaya Ishino *University of Tokyo
  • Naohito Saito *KEK
  • Tadashi KosekiKEK
  • Shinichio MichizonoKEK
  • Masao KurikiHiroshima University
  • Yutaka UshirodaKEK
  • Toshinori MoriUniversity of Tokyo

Task Force

Working Group