ILC-Japan - Japan Association of High Energy Physicists



The Detector Working Group aims to improve and advance the existing ILC detector concepts with new technologies and consider new detector concepts. Detector designs for collider upgrades, such as energy extension, will also be studied. In addition, synergies with detector R&D in other projects, neighbouring fields, and international communities will also be pursued so that detector R&D can be more efficient and enhanced.


Wataru Ootani* (U. Tokyo), Masaya Ishino (U. Tokyo), Kenji Inami (Nagoya U.), Hideyuki Oide (KEK), Taikan Suehara (U. Tokyo), Manabu Togawa (KEK), Katsuro Nakamura (KEK), Shinya Narita (Iwate U.), Junpei Maeda (Kobe U.)
* Chair  
KEK: High Energy Accelerator Research Organization