ILC-Japan - Japan Association of High Energy Physicists



This task force carries out public relations activities for the ILC project to gain broad supports for the ILC project from various stakeholders and the general public in Japan and abroad in cooperation with the Physics, Detector, and International Accelerator R&D Working Groups of ILC Japan. The task force aims to publicize the interests of the ILC and high-energy particle physics from a researcher’s perspective, in collaboration with the Planning Office for the ILC at KEK and the Outreach Group of the Advanced Accelerator Association Promoting Science & Technology (AAA).


Osamu Jinnouchi* (Science Tokyo), Masaya Ishino (U. Tokyo), Masako Iwasaki (Osaka Metropolitan U.), Yasuhiro Okada (KEK), Rika Takahashi (KEK), Yasuyuki Horii (Nagoya U.), Masanori Matsuoka (AAA/Mitsubishi HI Ltd.),
* Chair  
KEK: High Energy Accelerator Research Organization